Myofascial Therapy
“Myo” means muscle. “Fascia” is a thin connective tissue which covers all the organs of the body, every muscle, and every fiber within each muscle, spreading throughout the body in a three-dimensional web from head to foot without interruption. Long-held tensions in the body, posture imbalance, physical or emotional trauma, or inflammation tense the fascia, and it binds up, resulting in excessive pressure on nerves, muscles, blood vessels, osseous structures, and organs. Myofascial therapy is a treatment technique of hands-on bodywork, preventing or relieving symptoms within the muscles, tissues and fascia. I touch your body gently, moving slowly and deeply (either energetically or physically), holding trigger points or smoothing deep connective tissue by applying pressure to release the tension. Your awareness of being touched is the main trigger for positive change, which can happen simply, when you suddenly become aware of some parts of the body that you had forgotten. Based on Postural Integration, Rebalancing, and Trager joint release work, this therapy releases and re-educates the deep tissue of the body, increasing ease, awareness, and expression, bringing grace to all parts of life. Benefits: