Jinshin Therapy Remote, distance craniosacral energy Healing session is available with on line or phone Oriental Healing Arts Balancing Chi energy flow
Call it Chi, Ki, or Prana, life energy is the cosmic breath of life. It is what creates and nourishes the human spirit. It is the force of nature that moves visibly and invisibly through all matter and connects everything. It creates mountains, keeps rivers and streams flowing, trees growing, flowers blooming. This movement of chi can be seen in the landscape and in every element, as well as in the human body. Many things affect chi within the human body: the amount and quality of food, sleep, stress, trauma, injuries, or extreme mental, emotional or physical imbalances. The foundation of the Oriental healing arts focuses on balancing the energy flow within all aspects of our beings. The forces of life energy consist of interplay between two polar opposites, creating a vibratory movement and energy flow known as Yin and Yang, the natural laws that are fundamental principles for all Oriental Healing Arts.
What is Jin Shin Do?
Defined as “The Way of the Compassionate Spirit,” this therapy guides energy in the body through the great ancient wisdom of acupressure. It is based on the master balancing mechanism of “Extraordinary Flows,” which can drain excess or supply depletion of the balance of energy within the organ meridians, and provide a short cut to harmonizing the body, mind and heart.
Jin Shin Do relates chronic common conditions, tension, or “armoring,” to blockages along the energy pathway or meridians. My gentle, firm finger pressure touches selected acupressure points which harmonize energy in your body: one hand is held as an anchor point, and the other hand holds different key points. As I drop into stillness within myself, both my hands simultaneously communicate and listen to what is going on in your body. I keep feeling, listening, and waiting, until some messages arise or I see a subtle movement toward your healing potential. Holding a set of key points creates a great transformation in the energy flow of the body’s rivers, the twelve “organ meridians.” These rivers link with each other to support the vital energy of heaven and earth flowing through us, nourishing every system of the entire body.
Helpful in cases of
Immune deficiency, fatigue, headaches
Health complaints: hypertension, respiratory problems, digestive difficulties