Embodiment Coaching one to one session 60~75 minutes, series of 5 sessions recommended
One to one embodiment coaching session is an individualized support & guide for transformational process of “Coming back to your own body" so you can fully listening the world through the body, feeling the world through the breath and hearing own heart beat !
We start quietly sit together, we will begin by exploring "where you are" address and gently provides practical feedback, support and a program of easy simple tools, exercises meditation which something you really need in your daily life for positive change right now.
Designed to the individual needs and growth that changes your state of being and free your energy.
Respected unique individual way of being
Different back ground, cultures, countries primal experiences genders sexual orientations, postures & sizes
Every one has different way of holding physical body which is reflection of what is happening inside of you.
Most of people carries pattern of energy in the bodies from childhood or past events in this life time or even beyond.
That can called trauma or past memories energies patterns which waiting to release or change.
The key of this work is "Breath" there are many tools methods to cultivate Emotional intelligence, Bodily intelligence, which I can offer you through my own experiences & others in many way.
Bring new discovery to your life
"The body is very honest never lies" that is truth.
I met many clients saying ... I am doing great in my life but I am having lower back pain, just pain please fix me.
Embodiment coaching takes you to the journey of look at root of pain or explore other parts of aspect of why you have pain etc .
And find solution for what you can do about brings positive shift in your daily life.
It is journey of "begin with the bod", "Living in this Body" and "beyond the body" that takes you to NEW DISCOVERY!
Cultivate:focus: tools & methods
Emotional intelligence: self-regulation, emotional expression
Bodily intelligence: Somatic awareness; breath, centering, grounding
Posture, balance, Spatial awareness
Coming back to mid line, spinal cord, Kundalini, feeling craniosacral pulse.
Understanding of the map of body, connection to the brain & each parts of the body & Vagus Nerve
Understanding of power of energy points, chakras, bandhas & learn how to use them.
Sensing movement in muscles, bones, facia, membranes and fluids of entire body, including the cranium.
Experience of the brain chemicals release in your body makes you happy and relax endorphins, dopamine, serotonin
Various active meditation, shaking, dances etc .
Open floor conscious Dance practice https://openfloor.org
Yoga Therapy tools.
Sit quietly enjoy stillness forget about enlightenment just feel your body to be still.Then movement arises from stillness which is the source of creation!
Bodily intelligence: Somatic awareness; breath, centering, grounding
Posture, balance, Spatial awareness
Coming back to mid line, spinal cord, Kundalini, feeling craniosacral pulse.
Understanding of the map of body, connection to the brain & each parts of the body & Vagus Nerve
Understanding of power of energy points, chakras, bandhas & learn how to use them.
Sensing movement in muscles, bones, facia, membranes and fluids of entire body, including the cranium.
Experience of the brain chemicals release in your body makes you happy and relax endorphins, dopamine, serotonin
Various active meditation, shaking, dances etc .
Open floor conscious Dance practice https://openfloor.org
Yoga Therapy tools.
Sit quietly enjoy stillness forget about enlightenment just feel your body to be still.Then movement arises from stillness which is the source of creation!